Thursday, 14 April 2016


A batch file is nothing more than a collection of DOS commands placed into an ASCII text
file. When DOS executes a batch file, each line in the file is treated as a DOS command and is executed as if you had typed the command at the system prompt. Their main use is to automate DOS command sequences you repeat often or are hard to remember.
Each line in the file is treated as a DOS command and is executed as if you had typed the command at the system prompt.
In addition to standard DOS commands, batch files also have their own subset of commands which allow you to actually write a batch file as a small program. Branching and iteration are allowed in these programs.
Also, batch commands may have external parameters passed to them at the time you execute the file.
A batch file must have the extension .BAT and you execute the commands in it like any other DOS command: by typing the file's root name, without the extension, at the system prompt. Parameters are extra pieces of information that you type after many of the DOS commands. For example, "DIR B: /W" contains the parameters B: and /W. These modify the basic operation of the command, but are not required by the command.
You pass parameters to a batch file in the same manner; by typing the information after the batch command, but before tapping the Enter key.

The parametermay be  useiany place ithe batcfilwhere a  parameter would normally be used as part of the DOS command being run.
Markers are used within the batch file to signify which parameter goes where. Markers are comprised of a percent sign (%) and a single digit between 0 and 9 (that's ten markers in use at any one time; remember, zero is a number).
As an example:
Assume that a batch file named REPEAT.BAT is on the current drive. This file contains two commands: "ECHO OFF" which stops DOS from showing commands and "ECHO %1 %3" where the ECHO command can show messages on the screen. If, at the DOS prompt you typed "REPEAT Red Blue Green" your screen would show "Red Green" as shown in the screen capture:

In this simple example, three parameters were passed to the batch file and were placed into the ECHO command in the order received. Only the first and third are shown as only those were referenced in the batch file.
The parameters and markers were related as follows...
•    %1 is marker 1 and, in this example, represents "Red", the first parameter;
•    %3 is marker 3 and, in this example, represents "Green", the third parameter;
•      %2 would be marker 2 but, in this example, is not present so "Blue", the second parameter, is ignored.
Note: Marker zero is assigned the name of the batch file in the form you typed it in (i.e., all caps, all lower case, or a mixture).
In addition to the normal DOS commands, batch files have their own subcommand structure. Following are the subcommands in the order we will discuss them:
•    ECHO:  Turns command display on/off or may display a message.
•    REM: Displays a message on the screen.
•    PAUSE: Temporarily stops the batch file execution.
•    GOTO:  Jumps to a labeled set of commands in the batch file.
•    IF: Permits conditional operation of any command.
•    SHIFT:  Reassigns the relationship of parameters to markers.
•     FOR..IN..DO: Allows iteration subject to defined conditions.
•    CALL: Runs another batch file then returns to first.
•    @: Turns display off for single command


You have seen one facet of ECHO already: it can send a message to the screen. More

importantly, it can help clear the clutter on the screen when a batch file executes. Normally, the batch file commands would show on the screen as if you were typing them. This can get distracting. If you want to suppress the command echoing type:

To restart echoing, type: ECHO ON
When ECHO is off no part of the actual DOS commands in the batch file will show on the screen. To display a message put it after the ECHO command:
ECHO Message
As you will see, the REMark command also displays messages; but NOT if ECHO is off! Use ECHO if you want the message to show no mater what.

REMark can be used to send messages to the screen or simply to document some part of
your batch file's operation.
Use them extensively in long batch files. The computer operator (it won't always be you) wants to know what is happening and, over time, you might forget what a complicated set of commands really does.
The format is:
REM Message
REMarks can be up to 123 characters long, although you usually won't want to go over the screen width so you can control the display.
An undocumented, variation of this command is the period. In DOS 2.x, if a line in a batch file starts with one or more periods (.) it is treated as a remark. It is dangerous to use this however since in DOS 3.x and later that same line would be treated as the path to a command!

The last "simple" command is PAUSE.  Its basic function is to stop the execution of the
batch file until you press a key. This can allow you to perform a necessary task; like perhaps changing a disk or verifying that a particular disk configuration is in place in order to avoid errors as the remaining parts of the batch file are executed.
In early DOS versions PAUSE would optionally display a message. It does not now. In order to display a message you have to couple PAUSE with the ECHO command. The format in use now would require:
ECHO Message

The message will show, followed by the DOS message: Strike a key when ready... (in early DOS versions)
Press any key to continue... (in later DOS versions)


The format for this command is:

where LABEL is a line in your batch file that starts with a colon (:) followed by up to an eight
character name (actually, you can type any number of characters, but DOS only recognizes the first eight).
Want to create an endless loop? GOTO gives you an easy way. Here is one example:
REM...This is being typed by an endless loop. GOTO START
When  executed,  this  file  will  continue  to  print  the  endless  loop  line  and  the  GOTO
command until you tap Control-Break.
Use this subcommand to transfer control in your batch files.
If you want to terminate any batch file before it is complete, issue the break command

Interim Review
You have now seen the simple stuff...Let's see how much of it stuck. Following are a few
true/false questions. Think of the answer then look below to see if you were right.

1. The file AUTOEXEC.BAT must be in the root directory of the boot disk.
2. Batch files can execute a variety of subcommands in addition to the standard DOS commands.
3. Parameters are designated as %0 through %9.
4. When DOS finds a batch subcommand that is improperly phrased, it stops execution of the file and shows Syntax error.
5. You may interrupt a batch command by pressing Control-Home.
6. When you type Control-Break to stop a batch file, DOS will ask you if you want to terminate. If you say No the current command will be ignored but the rest will be processed.
7. The batch filename is substituted for marker %0.8. REMark subcommands display a message regardless of the the condition of ECHO.
9. PAUSE causes the batch file to temporarily stop and wait for you to press a key.

1. True, AUTOEXEC.BAT executes automatically when DOS boots so it must be in the root. (A
trick question as it assumes knowledge from prior tutorials.      )
2. True, you've seen some, with more to come.
3. False, those are markers. A parameter is information you type in on the command line that is substituted for a marker when commands are executed.
4. True, we didn't talk about that specifically, but that's what happens.
5. False, the correct command is Control-Break.
6. True, revealing another little quirk of batch file processing.
7. True, but there is a command you can use to change that as we'll see later.
8. False, REM only shows its message if ECHO is ON. If ECHO is OFF, only ECHO puts a message to the screen.
9. True.

That's enough. You should now understand the batch file subcommands you are likely to need most often.
Let's move on to the rest of the subcommands that allow you to program within a batch file. Subcommands in this section are generally used to create batch programs. As such, they are a bit more complex than the simply ones studied on the last page.

The IF subcommand allows you to make decisions within your batch file. Its syntax is:
IF Condition  Command where,
Command = Any legal DOS command or batch file subcommand
Condition = One of three tests that yield true or false:
1. The ERRORLEVEL of a program.
2. Two strings are equivalent.
3. A file exists in the current directory.

Unlike programming languages, which allow many logical tests in an IF statement, the batch
IF statement is limited to only the three above.
Condition  1: ERRORLEVEL is a number that indicates to DOS whether the last program run was successful.

A zero (0) indicates a good run, anything above zero indicates an error condition. (Only
DOS commands BACKUP and RESTORE have an exit code.)
You can create small programs to capture the keyboard output and report it as an error level
(see Batch Sample #3 later).

Condition  2: String comparison is indicated by double equal signs: String1 == String2
compares the two strings.
This comparison is often used with parameters and markers to check for a particular entry. For example,
IF %1 == 40 MODE C40
checks parameter one for 40 and, if found, changes the display to 40-columns wide.

Condition  3: The logical test checking for a file has the format: EXIST d:Filename
You can use this test to check and see if a DOS disk is in the active drive (as one example). Another use might be to check for a particular file to see if the user has a valid disk in the drive. Pathnames are NOT allowed.

Password  Example
The following batch file can be used to establish a password for running a program. The
batch file is named START.BAT and calls the program named WP.COM.


Below you'll see the response of the computer to various commands... First the bad password. At the prompt type START ABC.

Now use the correct password. Type the correct command at the prompt.


At this point the WP program starts. You don't see the command because echo is off.


The  limit  of  10  parameters  for  a  batch  file  can  be  raised  through  use  of  the  SHIFT

command. The syntax is the single word:

When that subcommand is encountered, all parameter/marker pairings are shifted one to the left. Whatever was assigned to %0 is lost, the contents of %1 are moved to %0, %2 moves to %1 ...
%9 moves to %8 and a new parameter from the command line is moved into %9.
While this brings in a new parameter, all have shifted and you must anticipate the effect on your batch file "program."

The effect of SHIFT:

Remember, this command seems very simple, but its effects are far ranging and the logical consequence of mismatching parameters and markers and be disastrous!

This command is similar to the programmer's FOR..NEXT loop in that a particular action
can be repeated a given number of times. The syntax (which may look a bit complicated) is:

FOR %%Variable IN (Set) DO Command

%%Variable is one-letter with the mandatory %% before it. Two percentage signs are used so this variable won't be confused with a marker.
(Set) is one or more filenames or commands you want %%Variable to assume while the command is being executed. Use a space between entries, and pathnames are allowed. Don't forget the parenthesis around the set. Wildcards may be used within (Set) if you are using filenames. Command is the particular DOS command or batch subcommand you want to have performed. Usually one or more of these commands will contain the %%Variable in it. If (Set) contains DOS commands, only %%Variable is used.
In effect, what this subcommand does is cause %%Variable to be an index into the (Set) for use by Command.

An example:
Problem: Compare all files on the disk in drive A: with those on the disk in drive B: and report those that match.
Answer: The following two-line batch file run from the A: drive will do that task:

FOR %%Z IN (*.*) DO IF EXIST B:%%Z ECHO %%Z is on A: and B:

Let's see how...
The first line turns command display off to clear the clutter.
The second line is executed as many times as there are files on the disk in A: [the set (*.*) assures this]. Each of those filenames are assigned to %%Z in turn and then checked for presence on drive B: with the EXIST logical statement. If EXIST is true, then the message at the end of the IF subcommand is sent to the screen, otherwise nothing is printed and the next file on drive A: is assigned and checked.
The following will diagram this process... Files on drive A:


Files on drive B:


The batch subcommand we are investigating is:

FOR %%Z IN (*.*) DO IF EXIST B:%%Z ECHO %%Z is on A: and B:

Each filename on A: is substituted in the IF subcommand and then executed. To get the same effect you would have to type:


In the case of the example above, the first two would have a positive response and the last would not print anything. Study it carefully before going on!

Another example: Files on drive A:


OK, told you to study the example. Let's see if you remember. What is the one line batch file command to find and report out all files starting with an "F" on drive A:?

FOR %%Z IN (A:F*.*) DO ECHO File %%Z is on drive A:

In this case you see that the A: disk is checked for any file starting with the letter "F" and that name is substituted in the variable %%Z. The appropriate message is then printed.
This is not an easy concept. It will require some study and practice to master. Let's now look at using DOS commands in (Set).
The (Set) can contain DOS commands instead of filenames and these commands will then be executed in sequence (to include running large programs under the control of the FOR..IN..DO loop).
Let's say you want to sequentially:
•    Clear the screen,
•    Show the DOS version number,
•    then Show a disk directory with pause on.
You could do all that in a one line batch file with the following command in it:

FOR %%T IN (CLS Ver Dir/P) DO %%T

When using DOS commands in (Set) you must use the space as a delimiter and cannot have the asterisk (*) or question mark (?) in any command. Use a colon (:) instead of a space when passing parameters to programs (i.e., DBASE:FILE instead of DBASE FILE). [The colon trick does not always work; you have to experiment.]
It is possible to issue the FOR..IN..DO command at the DOS prompt by dropping one of the percentage signs (%) on the variable.


Sometimes it's handy to be able to run one batch file from another. Until DOS 3.3 you had

to resort to tricks to do that; without the tricks when you called a second batch file from a first then control would transfer to the second and you'd never get back to the first.
The command: CALL d:path\FILENAME parameters
can be used in DOS versions 3.3 and later to start a second batch file from a parent and then return to the parent after the second finishes. Note: Do not use pipes or redirection on the second file.
The FILENAME is the name of the second batch file; the parameters are any options that the second file requires to properly run. When the second batch file terminates, control is returned to the first batch file on the line following the CALL command.
You can simulate CALL in DOS versions lower than 3.3 by using:

COMMAND /C d:path\FILENAME parameters

In DOS 3.3 and later you can selectively cause lines in a batch file from being displayed. To
cause this, place an "@" sign in front of the line in question.
One use of this would be to suppress showing the "ECHO OFF" command which is the starting command of many batch files. Until the ECHO OFF command is actually executed, ECHO is ON and the command shows. To stop even this from showing make the first command: @ECHO OFF.
If  you need to use the "@" feature with a command that already starts with @ (e.g.,
@WIP.EXE) then use a double @ (e.g., @@WIP) in the batch file (this should be rare). Below are some simple batch file examples to whet your appetite.

AUTOEXEC.BAT is a special batch file name that, if found in the root directory of the boot
disk, will automatically run before control of the computer is turned over to you.
You might want to always load particular files on starting the computer and the commands to do this would be in AUTOEXEC.BAT.
Typically, the AUTOEXEC.BAT file is used to set the system up to your particular needs. This includes setting the PATH to define where DOS will look for commands, defining various variables in the DOS environment and setting the PROMPT to look like you want it to.
If you want to terminate the AUTOEXEC.BAT file (or any other batch file) before it is complete, issue the break command [Control-Break].

@Echo OFF
Path C:\DOS;C:\;C:\BAT;C:\UTILITY; Prompt $p$g
Set TEMP=C:\Temp C:\Utility\NumLock CD\
Type C:\Bat\Menu.TXT

This file sets the PATH, defines a prompt and a temporary directory, runs a utility program and then clears the screen and types a menu.

Batch Sample #1
Here  is  a  sample  batch  file  you  might  use  to  periodically back  up  and  clear  a  word
processing data disk. It assumes that word processing backup files are named with extension .BAK, you don't want them, and they are on the disk in drive B:. The batch file is called BAK.BAT and is also on the word processing data disk in drive B:. Start it by typing B:BAK.

ECHO * * * Word processing cleanup * * * ECHO Put backup disk in drive A:

ECHO Backup is complete. Label your disk.
The first line turns screen echo off. The next line clears the screen. A label is then displayed with instructions on where to place the backup disk. A keypress needed to continue, then all .BAK files are erased and all files on drive B: are copied to A:. The batch file is then deleted from A: and a termination message shown.
Your situation might be different and you may not want to delete .BAK files first, but this should give you an idea of what you can do.

Batch Sample #2
Suppose you have a phone list in a file named FONE on your disk. There is a DOS utility
called FIND which allows you to search files for specific text strings. The general format for using
FIND is:

FIND "text" filename.

Instead   of   typing   a   complicated   command   each   time creat a  batch   fil called
LOOKUP.BAT as follows:


This file is called up by typing LOOKUP NAME at the system prompt. Assuming that you have typed the name in all caps, you might see a response like:

JONES Tom (805) 555-1212 Tom owes me $50

Clever use of DOS will save you money!

Batch Sample #3
Call this file MENU.BAT. It demonstrates branching. See below for creation of GETKEY
which stops the computer, waits for a keystroke and returns its ASCII value as a program error level. (The ASCII value of 1 is 49, 2 is 50 and 3 is 51.)

An IF ERRORLEVEL test is true if the error level tested is less than or equal to the actual error level. Therefore, such tests have to be in reverse order or the first will always be true.

ECHO -------------------- ECHO 1 – Wordprocessing ECHO 2 – Spreadsheet ECHO 3 - Exit menu to DOS ECHO --------------------
ECHO 1, 2, or 3? GETKEY
Commands necessary to call up word processor
Commands necessary to call up spreadsheet

GETKEY.COM is a small file that you need to create to allow the example above to work.
If you are not comfortable with the procedure outlined below DO NOT  DO IT.  The program
DEBUG can be dangerous when used improperly.
DEBUG comes with most versions of DOS. You type everything highlighted:

-E 100 B4 00 CD 16 B4 4C CD 21
CX 0000

Writing 0008 bytes
The DEBUG command starts the DEBUG program. The prompt for that program is a hyphen. The "E" command enters data and the "N" command names a file. The "R" command finds out what's in register CX and then enters a new value (the number of commands in this case). The "W" command tells DEBUG to write the file and "Q" quits the DEBUG program and drops you back to the DOS prompt.
You should now have the file GETKEY.COM on the default drive. Try it in a batch file like the one above.
The limits to the uses of batch files are found only in your imagination.

One batch file can call another, but the original file will loose control of the computer, so don't expect the first batch file to do anything of use after a second is called. DOS 3.3 introduced the CALL command to get around this limitation.
Some of the commands will even work directly at the DOS prompt. A batch file might not be necessary. The FOR..IN..DO command, for example, can be used outside of a batch file if you use only one percentage sign (%) to designate the variable instead of two.
If a batch file contains a syntax error in any of its commands, the file will stop execution at that point and you will be returned to the DOS prompt.
Finally, DOS "remembers" the disk that contains the batch file and the drive it was in. If you removed the original disk, DOS will ask you to replace it before going on.

A summary:
•    CALL Filename
•    Calls a second batch file from within a parent.
•    ECHO ON -or- ECHO OFF -or- ECHO <Message>
•    Turns command display on or off, or displays a message to the screen.
•    FOR %%Variable IN (Set) DO Command
•    Allows use of a single batch command for several different variables.
•    GOTO Label
•    Jumps to locations within a batch file.
•    IF Condition Command
•    Permits conditional execution of commands, and
•    where Condition is
o ERRORLEVEL # o String1 == String2 o EXIST Filename
•    PAUSE Message
•    Halts execution until the user presses a key.
•    REM Message
•    Displays a message to the screen if ECHO is on.
•    SHIFT
Shifts command line parameters to the left by one.
•    @
Turns display off for a single command

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