Thursday, 14 April 2016

File systems

The following are common hard disk configurations.
• Partition - A partition is a portion of a physical hard disk. A partition can be primary or
• Primary Partition - This is a bootable partition. One primary partition can be made active.
• Extended Partition - An extended partition is made from the free space on a hard disk and
can be broken down into smaller logical drives. There can only be one of these per hard
• Logical Drive - These are a primary partition or portions of an extended partition that are
assigned a drive letter.
• Volume - This is a disk or part of a disk that is combined with space from the same or
another disk to create one larger volume. This volume can be formatted and assigned a drive
letter like a logical drive, but can span more than one hard disk. A volume set can be

extended without starting over, however to make it smaller, the set must be deleted and recreated.

There are various management tools that can be used to configure drives. The Disk
Management MMC is a snap-in for the Computer Management Console in Windows 2000. You can
create partitions, volume sets, logical drives, format disks, etc. NT 4.0 had a similar tool called the
"Disk Administrator". DOS and Windows 9x utilize the FDISK utility.

When discussing Windows file systems you need to understand what File Allocation Tables (FAT)
are. FAT is a table that an operating system maintains in order to map the clusters (the smallest unit
of storage) that a file has been stored in. When files are written to a hard disk, the files are stored in
one or more clusters that may be spread out all over the hard disk. The table allows Windows to
find the "pieces" of your file and reassemble them when you wish to open it. There are several
different types of file systems that are explained below:

• FAT16 - FAT16 table entries are 16 bits in length limiting hard disk sizes to 2GB. Note that
even if the OS supports larger partition sizes, the BIOS must also support logical block
addressing (LBA) or the maximum partition that you will be able to create will be either 504
or 528 MB.

• FAT32 - Created to allow more efficient use of hard drive space and allowed for partitions
up to 8GB using 4KB cluster sizes. In order to format a drive as FAT32, the "Large disk
Support" must be enabled when starting FDISK. FAT32 is not compatible with older
versions of Windows including Windows 95A and NT. In Windows 9.x, the CVT1.EXE can
be used to convert FAT16 partitions to FAT32.

• NTFS4 - NTFS4 is the file system used by Windows NT that provides increased security
and reliability over other file systems. On an NTFS partition, you can't boot from a DOS
boot disk - this is one of the security features of NTFS. Additionally, a floppy disk cannot be
formatted as NTFS. For this reason it might not be a bad idea to have a small partition
formatted FAT so that you can boot into DOS for recovery purposes. In order to convert a
FAT partition to NTFS, NT includes a utility called convert.exe.

• NTFS5 - This is the native file system for Windows 2000. NTFS5 has many new features as

o Encrypted File System (EFS) - Windows 2000 NTFS volumes have the ability to
encrypt data on the disk itself. Cipher.exe is a command line utility that allows for
bulk or scripted file encryption.

o Disk Quotas - Provides the ability to set space limitations on users on a per volume

o Defragmentation - Windows 2000 now includes a disk defragmenter that can be
used on NTFS partitions.

o Volume Mount Points - Provides the ability to add new volumes to the file system
without having to assign a drive letter to them. This feature is only available on an
NTFS partition using dynamic volumes.

o Compression - In Windows 2000 files, folders and entire drives can be compressed
by right clicking on the item to be compressed and selecting "properties" and then

The convert.exe utility can be used to convert a FAT or FAT32 partition to NTFS.
• HPFS - Stands for High Performance File System and is used with OS/2 operating systems.
This file system can only be accessed by Windows NT 3.51 and OS/2.
Windows 9x operating systems also employ VFAT which is a protected-mode FAT file system that
prevents DOS and the BIOS from accessing resources. VFAT is the replacement for
SMARTDRV.SYS and uses a driver called VCACHE.

Operating System Supported File Systems
Windows 3.x FAT16
Windows 95A FAT16
Windows 95 OSR2 FAT16, FAT32
Windows 98 FAT16, FAT32
Windows 98SE FAT16, FAT32
Windows NT 4 FAT16, NTFS
Windows 2000 FAT16, FAT32, NTFS

In addition to the disk administration utilities previously mentioned, information about a
drive can be displayed by right clicking the drive in My Computer or Windows Explorer and
selecting "Properties". In a Windows 9x system, a window like the one below will appear.
Backing up drives allows you to recover your data or even the entire system if a catastrophe occurs.
There are several different types of backup:

• Full - copies all files and marks them as being backed up.
• Incremental - copies only files created/changed since last full backup and marks them as
being backed up.
• Differential - copies only files created/changed since last full backup and doesn’t mark
them as being backed up.
• Daily - copies only files created/changed today and doesn’t mark them as being backed up.

added to the command.
• /S - Forces all files and subdirectories to be backed up.
• /M - Only modified files are backed up.
• /D - Backs up files modified after a specific date.
• /T - Backs up files modified after a specific time.

The Windows 98 backup utility can be accessed via Start>Programs>Accessories>System
Tools>Backup and also via right clicking on a drive in My Computer and selecting the tools tab as
previously mentioned.

There are several different hard drive utilities that can be found in the various versions of
Windows that are listed below:

• CHKDSK - This utility is run from a DOS prompt and recovers lost allocation units on a
drive that can occur when an application or the system are ended unexpectedly. The /F
switch converts the lost units into a format such that the units can be viewed and deleted.
Can be found in all versions of windows.

• SCANDISK - The ScanDisk utility inspects the hard drive for errors and corrects them.
Scandisk is available in DOS 6.x and Windows 9x.

• DEFRAG - Reorganizes data on the disk for optimal disk performance. In DOS this utility
was run from a DOS prompt. In Windows 9x and 2000 this utility can still be run from a
prompt or can be accessed at Start>Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Disk
Defragementer. Windows NT did not come with a defragmentation utility.

• DRIVESPACE - This utility for windows 9x offers many of the same features as NT's disk
administrator including compression, formatting and drive information.

File Allocation Table (FAT) is a patented[1] file system developed by Microsoft for MS-DOS
and is the primary file system for consumer versions of Microsoft Windows up to and including
Windows Me.

The FAT file system is considered relatively uncomplicated, and is consequently supported by
virtually all existing operating systems for personal computers. This ubiquity makes it an ideal
format for floppy disks and solid-state memory cards, and a convenient way of sharing data
between disparate operating systems installed on the same computer (a dual boot environment).
The most common implementations have a serious drawback in that when files are deleted and new
files written to the media, their fragments tend to become scattered over the entire media making
reading and writing a slow process. Defragmentation is one solution to this, but is often a lengthy
process in itself and has to be repeated regularly to keep the FAT file system clean.

Developer Microsoft
Full Name
File Allocation Table
(12-bit version) (16-bit version) (32-bit version)
Introduced 1977 (Microsoft Disk
July 1988 (MS-DOS
August 1996 (Windows 95
Partition identifier 0x01 (MBR)
0x04, 0x06, 0x0E
0x0B, 0x0C (MBR)
-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (GPT)
Directory contents Table
File allocation Linked List
Bad blocks Linked List
Max file size 32 MiB 2 GiB 4 GiB
Max number of files 4,077 65,517 268,435,437
Max filename size 8.3 or 255 characters when using LFNs
Max volume size 32 MiB 2 GiB
4 GiB with some implementations
2 TiB
Dates recorded Creation, modified, access
Date range January 1, 1980 - December 31, 2107
Forks Not natively
Attributes Read-only, hidden, system, volume label, subdirectory, archive
Permissions No
Per-volume, Stacker, DoubleSpace, DriveSpace No
Per-volume only with DR-DOS No

The FAT filesystem uses software methods that had been in use years prior to its
formalization and was created by Bill Gates and Marc McDonald in 1977 for managing disks in
Microsoft Disk BASIC and was incorporated by Tim Paterson in August 1980 to his 86-DOS
operating system for the S-100 8086 CPU boards; the filesystem was the main difference between
86-DOS and CP/M, of which 86-DOS was otherwise mostly a clone.

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